From Beginner to Top 5%: How 17 Minutes a Day Can Transform Your Life | Ep 96

Rule of 100. A serene view of the Skill Land lake at sunrise, reflecting the colorful skies and silhouettes of nearby skill-themed rides. A few early birds are seen enjoying a peaceful moment by the water, perhaps contemplating the skills they'll explore today. Reflective, tranquil, colorful, early morning, serene, vibrant, inspiring, digital painting
A serene view of the Skill Land lake at sunrise, reflecting the colorful skies and silhouettes of nearby skill-themed rides. A few early birds enjoying a peaceful moment by the water, contemplating the skills they'll explore today.

Embrace the Rule of 100: Small Steps to Achieve Mastery in Any Field

Imagine you’ve just entered an amusement park - let's call it Skill Land - and you've been given a special pass that allows you to go on any ride, but there’s a twist: you can only ride a maximum of 100 times. Now, each ride represents a skill or a project you wish to master. The Rule of 100 will be your park guide to getting the maximum Skill Land offers.

At first glance, the vast array of rides is overwhelming. Which do you choose? After some thought, you select the guitar-playing rollercoaster. You ride it once and are a bit clumsy, missing chords and feeling out of sync. Ride ten; you’re starting to feel the rhythm. By the time you've hit ride number fifty, you're strumming along, and your confidence is soaring. Passerby starts to take notice, seeing how much you've improved.

After 100 Rides

At the end of your 100th ride, you're not just fluent in the ups and downs of the guitar strings, but other park visitors are looking up to you, asking for your secret. You explain it wasn't about being perfect from the start; it was about embracing the ride, learning from the loop-de-loops, and enjoying the process.

And now, you repeat the process, choosing a different ride each time - maybe the coding bumper cars or the language-learning Ferris wheel. It isn’t about speedrunning the entire park in record time; it’s about enjoying and learning from each ride, 17 minutes at a time. By the end of your time at Skill Land, not only have you experienced the thrill of each ride, but you've also emerged with a collection of rare souvenirs – new skills and a sense of accomplishment.

With each ride capped at 100 goes, your determination turns these experiences into lasting habits. Without trying to win the "Skill Land Prodigy" title on the first go, you've unintentionally placed yourself in the ranks of the park's finest, all because you understood the magic behind the ticket - the Rule of 100.

Enjoy the episode!

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*** Challenge ***

  • Choose a Simple Action: What do you want to achieve? What do you want to be world-class at? What will make you Legenadry?
  • Set a Target: based on what we went over, choose your 100
  • Track Progress: Use a checklist, notebook, the law of 100 Website, or an app, to keep track of your progress. If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up, just never miss twice.
  • Reflect on the Experience: At the end of the 100, reflect on how the challenge went. Did they find it easier than expected? What impact did the repeated action have on your mood, productivity, or habits?
  • Share Results: Share your experiences on social media, text or email a friend or colleague, and tag us on social media. Let's create a community to inspire others to take on the challenge.
Listen to this week's challenge:


Links 🔗

Law of - Consistency is the key to success. Create a goal and commit to 100 milestones.

James Clear's Blog - Offers extensive articles on habit formation and productivity that can be applied to adopting the rule of 100 in various aspects of life.

Zen Habits by Leo Babauta - Focuses on simplicity and mindfulness in daily life, providing actionable advice that can help implement long-term habits akin to the rule of 100.

Tiny Habits - Create any habit you want in your life using Tiny Habits: A breakthrough method created by Stanford behavior scientist, BJ Fogg.

"1000 True Fans" by Kevin Kelly—I refer to this article when discussing the impact of having a loyal fan or customer base.

Books 📖

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear - This book is a comprehensive guide on how tiny changes can lead to remarkable results, which is very much in line with the idea of the rule of 100.

"Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything" by BJ Fogg - This is an excellent book that aligns closely with the concept of the "rule of 100." This book is particularly relevant because it delves into the power of small, easy-to-implement habits and how they can lead to significant, transformative changes over time.

"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg - This explores the science behind why habits exist and how they can be changed, providing the foundational knowledge necessary to understand and implement repetitive success rules like the rule of 100.

"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell - While not focused solely on the rule of 100, this book discusses the "10,000-hour rule," which is a similar concept emphasizing the cumulative effect of practicing a specific task.

"Deep Work" by Cal Newport - Focuses on the benefits of focused and uninterrupted work, which can be structured around achieving 100 iterations or units of deep work sessions.

“Million Dollar Weekend” by Noah Kagan -
He refers to this principle that encourages individuals to seek 100 rejections in order to find success. He believes that actively pursuing rejection can overcome the fear of failure and ultimately find the few “yeses” that lead to success.

"The Ultimate Sales Machine" by Chet Holmes - Meticulously discusses the concept of identifying your 100 dream customers.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki - We talked about how Robert Kiyosaki discusses looking at 100 properties before making a real estate decision. He also refers to Kiyosaki's concept of saving money using a jar.

"The 4-Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss - Though not directly mentioned in the episode, the context suggests a similarity to principles discussed by Tim, such as the idea of lifestyle design and efficiency.

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