The $10 Trillion Trust Economy: Phil Johnson's Emotional Intelligence Insights | Ep 94

The $10 Trillion Trust Economy: Phil Johnson's Emotional Intelligence Insights. We delve into emotional intelligence and authentic leadership with Phil Johnson. Imagine setting sail in a sturdy but simple boat, heading out on a vast ocean with the goal of reaching an island said to hold untold treasures: Emotional Island.
In search of Emotional Island

Phil Johnson's Emotional Intelligence Insights.

Imagine setting sail in a sturdy but simple boat, heading out on a vast ocean with the goal of reaching an island said to hold untold treasures: Emotional Island. Now, every sailor aboard has a map—a map fraught with clear intellectual symbols and straight lines, but as you set sail, thick fog rolls in, seemingly impenetrable.

Here enters our guest, Phil Johnson, a seasoned captain who smiles knowingly and turns over the map to reveal a second, more nuanced chart etched with colorful depths and contours. This is the chart of Emotional Intelligence (EI). The treasure, he tells us, is not just found on the distant shores but also within the journey you take to reach it—every navigate through the tricky fogs of fear, every adjust to cresting waves of change.

Our crew—each person's heart, mind, and spirit—must learn the language of emotions. The fog represents the psychological fears that cloud judgment. The waves symbolize the ever-accelerating changes our world undergoes. Learning to sail through them requires what Phil refers to as 'emotional labor': it's the hearty effort of pulling ropes, hoisting sails, and steering true, guided not by fear, but by the feelings that bond us—aspects of EI like empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.

The crewmembers, like our listeners, who at first may be wary of tossing aside their headphones and distractions, find solace in the moonlit silence aboard the deck. They learn to focus on their breath, finding calm amidst the storm—a tip Phil shares for anyone feeling overwhelmed.

As we near Emotional Island, it's not just about the treasures we find but the person we become along the journey. The boat becomes sturdier, and the crew more courageous. They've learned to stop giving away their energy unnecessarily, to strike a balance between giving and taking, something Phil notes is essential for avoiding personal and professional conflicts.

Upon reaching the island, the crew doesn't burn their boats because they fear failure, but because they've grown to love and trust in their new capacities. They've embraced emotional labor and abandoned the anchor of fear that once held them back.

As the Social Chameleon Show signifies adaptability and growth, Phil's narrative reminds us that each of us is on this journey—sailing toward Emotional Intelligence Island, emulating Apple's example, and contributing to the burgeoning trust economy. And just like the sailors on their boat, we, the listeners, are challenged to grow beyond our comfort zones, steering our lives with the deep-seated knowledge that the real treasures lie within the mastery of our emotions and the unfolding paths they reveal.

Enjoy the episode!

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Meet Phil

Phil is the Founder and CEO of the Master of Business Leadership program
Your Captain, Phil Johnson, Founder & CEO - Master of Business Leadership

Phil is the Founder and CEO of the Master of Business Leadership program. For the past 23 years, MBL has been a catalyst for success, awakening the potential of individuals and generating billions in career revenue. Its alumni network spans across the United States, Canada, the UK, Europe, Japan, Germany, Bosnia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, India, and Nepal.

Phil's story is not one of success despite his origins but because of them. He faced challenges early on, being born prematurely with dyslexia, a condition not widely understood in the 1950s. Despite failing grades in school and being labeled a slow learner, a pivotal moment during a snowy night in 1968 sparked a decision that changed the trajectory of his life.

From that point on, Phil became an "A" student, overcoming adversities and graduating as the top student from the De Groote School of Business at McMaster University. His career in the semiconductor industry and subsequent corporate executive roles took him across North America and the Pacific Rim, accumulating successes that left him questioning the fulfillment he sought.

In 1990, Phil made a life-altering decision, stepping away from corporate America to fulfill a promise he made to himself over five decades ago. Turning down lucrative roles, he established the Master of Business Leadership program, coming full circle to the commitment he made decades earlier.

*** Challenge ***

  • Bet on yourself by developing your emotional intelligence. Bet on yourself by developing your emotional intelligence. Create an emotional connection. Get connected emotionally with something you want to achieve. That causes you to start to move outside of your comfort zone in the pursuit of that desired result. That's where it begins. If somebody's having a hard time, what's one thing they can do to get that train rolling a little bit? Focus on your breathing. See, when you focus on your breathing, you're no longer thinking. You're shutting off that voice in the back of your head.
  • Listen to this week's challenge:

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