Meet Lauren Midgley: Productivity Strategist & Author | Ep 76

Lauren Midgley: Productivity Strategist & Author
Founder of the You Matter Most Movement

In this episode, I’m talking with Lauren Midgley. After 25 years of working for 2 Fortune 500 companies in sales and marketing, Lauren launched her consulting business in 2010, helping small business owners be more profitable. To reach her audience, she added being a speaker and an author to her marketing efforts. The game-changer for Lauren and her business was in 2014, where she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

From that point forward, Lauren shifted her message to live each day fully, be satisfied and get the things done that matter. Her Amazon bestseller, It’s 6 am and I’m Already Behind: Strategies to Get Caught Up reinforced that message.

In 2019, Lauren decided to do a personal project – sending a handwritten card she designed to those who mattered to her. The card simply said, “You Matter to Me” in calligraphy with a heart. The response back was astounding and deeply touched the recipients. Lauren saw the need that others had to send the same message to their inner circle, so she launched the You Matter to Me greeting card business called Yes You Matter.

Lauren has written 2 eBooks on how to stay connected to those who matter and speaks to a variety of groups on “The Art of Staying Connected to Those Who Matter”, with another book coming later this year (2020).

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Founder of the You Matter Most Movement

Lauren Midgley

She is an author, a business strategist, a professional speaker, and has her own publishing company. Now she's the founder of the You Matter Most Movement! Those who know her would say that she has an extensive network, due to her “humble hustling” to get clients and business. She enjoys people. There are some people her my network who are standouts, based on their professionalism and always striving for excellence. Those are the people she likes to be around, to help, and to encourage. She loves being known as “the encourager”. One of the top ways Lauren encourages others is through the greeting cards she sends – a handwritten note of congratulations or letting them know that their efforts were appreciated. This is a habit she's done since her 20’s.

You Matter to Me

What Do I Write: 50 Sample Phrases To Get You Started & How to Join the “You Matter to Me” Movement: A proven way to elevate your relationships that matter, free PDF downloads are in the show notes. Also as a link to her best selling book, It's 6 a.m. and I'm Already Behind: 30 Strategies to Get Caught Up in a Crazy-Busy World

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